Official Experty App Release: Getting Your Feedback
The Experty app has been available for use on the Ethereum Kovan testnet since June 30th, and we have already received fantastic responses from you. We want to take this time now to run through some important points regarding the app.
Before the application release, we published a guide on how to get kovan EXY and ETH to use within the Experty app. We have now made it easier to claim kovan ETH and EXY from inside of the application. If you don’t have funds yet, you will be prompted to get them when you navigate to your wallet. Simply click the “How to get funds” button and you will be brought to a page where you can request kovan EXY and kovan ETH.
Once you press the “Request funds” button within the app, you will be sent both kovan EXY and kovan ETH within 24 hours.
Once you get started using the application and making calls, you may run into a bug! We’re working very hard to make sure this application is bug-free for the mainnet launch, so if you do find one, please open a support ticket and our dedicated team of developers will work to solve it as soon as possible. We also welcome any additional feedback about the application through our ticket system. Alternatively, you may email with your feedback and suggestions.
More information regarding the Experty app and how to use it can be found on our support page.
With your feedback on the application, we can make more progress toward the mainnet release. We currently estimate that the app will be live on the mainnet in 30 to 90 days.
Thank you for your participation and support of Experty.