Experty’s Journey: spreading the word in Europe — part 3
It’s time for an update from our tour around crypto and blockchain related conferences. Much has happened since our last update!
In case if you missed our previous 2 blog posts, here are the links:
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
During our last article we mentioned visiting Bitcoin Suisse, our partners in their office in Crypto Valley Switzerland.
Here is a quick summary what we have done in the last few weeks. For by-the-minute updates, follow us on Twitter.
In early September, we visited the Kiev Blockchain Conference where we met with the crypto community and gave a presentation about our project.
Here is the recording on youtube from the presentation.
Later that month, hosted an AMA for use on their slack channel with over 5000 members. The full transcript can be found here.
In mid-September, Experty traveled to Zurich for two conferences: Finance20 / Crypto ’17 and ICO Summit.
From Zurich, we flew back to Kiev for the D10E conference. We met several different companies there who liked our product, many of whom committed to use our product inside their workflow, including ProofSuite.
Near the end of September, Experty attended the Blockchain Forum in London where we met more decentralized projects that are interested to use Experty’s integration.
We talked with different people from crypto companies including:
- Avadhoot Kulkarni CMO of
- Dr. Moe Levin — founder of the Blockchain Forum London
- Jorge Ruiz Co Founder & CTO at AirTM
We will announce some partnership, sometime soon as a lot is going on after this conference, but it needs time to mature new potential partnership.
Experty also gave a pitch at a packed Crypto Investors meeting at Shoreditch House, organized by our advisor Richard Titus. View the livestream here.
Then the Krypto Raport, a polish crypto scene channel, interviewed us in our office.
After the interview, both teams took a quick photo in front of a statue of Adam Mickiewicz, the national poet of Poland, outside our office.
On October 3rd, our project was highlighted in the BlockTribune, daily news and information site devoted to bitcoin and blockchain technology.
In early October, we traveled to Barcelona where we presented our idea at the Blockchain Solutions Forum.
Between 10 and 11 of October, the Experty team traveled to two locations in order to present the project: BlockCon in Los Angeles and D10E in Warsaw.
While at D10E Warsaw, we were on a discussion panel with CEOs of Golem, Bitwage and CrowdWiz. We also had an opportunity to present our idea to all conference participants in Warsaw.
We met several other companies and people working on with decentralized ideas, including BitProperty CEO, Ryo.
Exciting to be part of this community. Follow our block and cheers to everyone!
Bankover! Let’s crypto to become a king!